Friday, October 06, 2006

Werner Herzog: The Coolest Man of All Time

Some time ago I saw a film entitled "Incident at Loch Ness", the film itself was not very good, however in it I was introduced to the coolest man of all time; Werner Herzog. I will now give a list of a few reasons why he holds this coveted title...

1. He has the best party guests... In one scene in "Incident" we are inside Herzog's house during a dinner party. Among the guests, most notable are: Crispin Glover(For more on Crispin see my previous post "Creepiest Actors"), Jeff Goldblum and Ricky Jay(For more on Ricky look for my upcoming post entitled "Actors Who You Know Who They Are But You Don't Know Their Name or Remember Exactly
What They Were In". For the sake of this post I will show you his face:
I challenge you to name another person who can get those three people together and it not signal a coming apocalypse.

2. He once held a gun at someone while filming to get a certain reaction out of them... This may simply be a myth but the very fact that it could be true and people would still agree to be in his movies means that he is the greatest. Speaking of guns...

3. He was once shot while being interviewed and he kept the interview going anyway... Interviews are annoying to do, getting shot during one is a perfect excuse to call it off and no one can really give you shit about it. It's a rule- if you're getting interviewed and someone shoots you, that's it; the interview's over. Evidently, however, Herzog told the report that it was "just a flesh wound" and continued the interview at the local emergency room.

4. He once ate a shoe... There's not much to say about this; he made a bet, he lost, and then he ate his shoe. Most people, if they were hardcore enough to make the bet in the first place, would find a way out of actually eating the shoe. Herzog, however, is a man of his word and he totally ate a shoe.

I will post more reasons as I learn them, I should hope that the previous are more than enough though.


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